
We invite you to stay up-to-date with the latest news and views from our CEO, Lizz Reay.
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Jul 06 2022

Get Up! Stand Up! and Show Up! this NAIDOC Week

This year NAIDOC celebrations are being held from 3-7 July. The theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! which encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and non-Indigenous Australians to work together to keep getting up, standing up, and showing up for systemic change and reconciliation.

The week also provides an opportunity and reminder to celebrate those who have led change over many generations, and those who continue to advocate for equal and basic human rights for Indigenous Australians.

Our growing passion, commitment and development of understanding in our organisation continues to drive the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultures, histories and achievements within our reconciliation action and journey to equality.

Further developing and enhancing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples remains a priority area. The relationships we have developed over the years have informed and enhanced our planning, development and implementation of initiatives designed to meet identified community need and preferences. Developing and enhancing relationships remains a vital and valued part of our work as we work collaboratively with our partners and representatives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

The Integrated Team Care (Closing the Gap) program is just one of the many programs and services that has been implemented to address community identified needs. This program helps Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples with chronic health conditions to access better healthcare, cheaper medicines and culturally appropriate care coordination and support. In the 21/22 Financial Year, the program assisted 381 people, had 108 new patients and almost 1,900 occasions of service.

Participating in NAIDOC week is something we look forward to every year, and this year is no exception. Yesterday our Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Mitch, attended the Local Health District Flag Raising Ceremony. As the week progresses some of our staff will be attending the Jamison Park event and visiting local schools to discuss the importance of continuing to Get Up, Stand Up, and Show Up.

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Lizz Reay is the CEO of Wentworth Healthcare, provider of the Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network. Previously Deputy CEO of Nepean Blue Mountains Medicare Local & Nepean Division of General Practice, she has an extensive background in public health.

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