Hawkesbury Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health)

Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) centres and satellites have been developed for adults who need support for their mental health. Head to Health provides a safe and welcoming space for people who may be in distress or crisis, or who need help finding the right mental health services for their individual needs. These services provide a calm, warm and welcoming place to help everyone feel­ safe and accepted. Services are free and provide mental health support delivered by trained teams of mental health professionals. There are multiple locations across NSW.

Our permanent Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) satellite for the Hawkesbury is located at 1-2 Musson Lane, Richmond. Services are targeted at supporting adults, however for young people, the team will help to find the other age-appropriate services in our region, such as headspace.

Read the detailed service model for Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) centres.

Where is Hawkesbury Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) located?

The permanent Hawkesbury Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) service is located in Richmond, and is operated by Neami National. The service is located at 1-2 Musson Lane, Richmond, and is open Monday - Saturday, with walk-in support available (without the need for a prior appointment) from 1:00pm until close.

Hours of operation:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm, with walk-in support available from 1:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Thursday and Saturday 11:00am to 7:00pm, with walk-in support available from 1:00pm - 7:00pm

The Hawkesbury centre can be contacted through the Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) phoneline on 1800 595 212 (Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm).

How can GPs refer into Hawkesbury Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health)

GPs can refer patients to the centre by calling 1800 595 212 or patients can access the centre themselves either by visiting the centre directly (without the need for an appointment) or by calling 1800 595 212. The centre is able to offer telehealth services for those who cannot access face-to-face appointments.

With the patient's permission, the centre can share all or parts of any advice and plans with the patient's GP or other healthcare providers. The centre will encourage patients to talk to their GP about any advice or support they receive from the centre and any other health providers because coordinating care and reducing duplication is in the patient's best interest.

Support for Yourself

Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) services have been designed to provide mental health support to health practitioners. If you’re not feeling OK, Head to Health can help direct you to appropriate support networks in our local area. 

When you call 1800 595 212 a trained mental health professional will talk to you and help direct you to an appropriate service. This may be to an existing mental health service in our area or if appropriate, to receive care at our Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) mental health centre in Penrith, either onsite or through telehealth.

Support for Others

You may have recognised a change in behaviour in someone around you, or you are aware of someone who has a clinically diagnosed mental health condition.

Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) services can help you, and the people you care about, find the right mental health services. You can help support someone by calling 1800 595 212.

Anyone can contact Head to Health (Medicare Mental Health) services. This includes referrals from GPs and other mental health providers, friends or family members.

Where to Head for Health (Medicare Mental Health)

Start by calling 1800 595 212. A trained mental health professional will ask you a range of questions to ensure your needs are appropriately identified, and from there they can direct you to the right service. 

A trained professional will take your call, give you advice, and if you need it connect you to the best local support or service for you.
You can call 1800 595 212  Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm (except public holidays).

This is not a crisis service. If you need urgent support outside of business hours, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511. If you need immediate help or are at risk of harm to yourself or others call 000 now.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a FAQ document and community flyer available for this service.

Campaign Material 

The below posters can be downloaded for distribution: