Local Health Services

Free mental health support available for disaster affected residents

Are you avoiding activities that that you normally enjoy? Do you feel restless, irritable or tense and you're not sure why? Are you having trouble falling or staying asleep? Our region has faced multiple disasters over the last few years. Physical and emotional recovery takes time and talking to someone can help.

Bushfire and Flood Psychological Therapy Services

Up to 10 free sessions with a professional are available through the Bushfire and Flood Psychological Therapy Services program. No GP referral is required. Call 1800 595 212 Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5:00pm (except public holidays) or contact your GP for more information.  

Head to Health Services

We provide two Head to Health services, the Penrith Head to Health Centre (open 7 days a week, 365 days a year including public holidays) and the Hawkesbury Head to Health satellite (open Monday to Saturday, excluding public holidays). Both services offer walk-in support, no GP referral or prior appointments needed.

You can also call the Head to Health Phoneline on 1800 595 212 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm) to speak to a trained mental health professional who will be able to refer you to the right service or put you in touch with a local clinician without having to worry about an extended
referral process. All Head to Health services are free to access. 

Mental Health Help Website

The Mental Health Help website is an online directory of local mental health services and supports.

Wellbeing Support Services

Peppercorn Wellbeing Support Services is a free informal counselling service for those impacted or affected by the floods and other disasters in the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Penrith Local Government Areas.

Sessions can be as informal as a chat over coffee at a local cafe or your home. Support offered includes a listening ear, encouragement, feedback, coping strategies, helpful skills and more specific counselling.

Residents can make an appointment via email or contact Nicole on 0490 038 122 or Megan on 0490 033 992.

Community Development Workers:

Available in the Hawkesbury to assist community organisations with opportunities to build resilience and capacity to support their neighbourhoods face future disasters.

We encourage you to connect with your local Community Development Worker to ensure all community groups get the assistance they need in the next stage of their recovery journey.

Hawkesbury: Hawkesbury City Council
Tracey Greenaway
be contacted on 0428 212 948.

Other Services:

Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP): Coordinators link people to local mental health services and resources, educate workplaces and communities about mental health and wellbeing and respond in times of natural disasters and severe adversity.

Rural Financial Counselling Service NSW Bushfire Recovery Financial Counsellors: The NSW Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) is a free and confidential service that provides information and assistance on financial position, budgets and submitting applications. Call 1800 319 458.

Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Bushfire Recovery: A range of relief and recovery assistance is available, providing a non-judgemental and confidential service that maintains the dignity of the individual. Contact: 02 4754 4050. 

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